Have you been to college before? Some or all of your classes may transfer to Northwest Technical College to help you complete your degree faster. You will work with the registrar, your advisor and our transfer specialist to complete the process.

Transfer Process

Official transcripts from Minnesota State institutions are automatically evaluated for Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) credits as they apply to the learner’s program.

All other technical credit transfer requests must be evaluated by the program advisor.

Additional Information

  • The course work to be transferred must be comparable in nature, content and level to NTC courses and must be appropriate and applicable to the learning experiences required of the declared major.
  • Non-MnTC (technical and applied general education) courses accepted in transfer must have a grade of at least C.
  • MnTC courses must have a grade of at least D unless program major policy requires a grade of at least C.
  • Pass (P) credits cannot be used to transfer to a technical area.
  • Technical credits that have been completed within five years are eligible for transfer.
  • MnTC and applied general education courses have no time limit.
  • Credits that are part of a signed articulation agreement will be accepted for transfer.
  • If a learner changes majors from the one initially declared, transfer courses must be reevaluated for applicability to the new major to ensure that all appropriate credits are applied.
  • Appeal of Credit Transfer Decisions: The results of credit transfer evaluations may be appealed using the college’s normal Appeals and Grievance Process. If the learner is not satisfied with the college transfer appeal decision, the learner may submit a request to the MinnState Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs for a system1-level appeal of the college transfer appeal decision.

Additional Credit Transfer Information

Here you will find information on planning for transfer, the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum, other types of transfer and many other useful resources, including links to transfer websites for other Minnesota colleges and universities:

If you have further questions, please contact our registrar at (218) 333-6647.