Emerging Computer Technology AAS
- Apply customer service skills
- Develop technical/procedural documentation
- Implement PC hardware/software installation to meet the user’s needs
- Troubleshoot PCs operating systems and software applications
- Apply technical support and end user training skills
- Apply database concepts, design, and construction
- Demonstrate understanding of data communications and information systems
- Implement, administer, and troubleshoot information systems
- Apply leadership and supervisory skills
- Apply computer skills accurately to office task using a variety of computer application programs
- Apply the principles of grammar, punctuation, and spelling while composing, editing, and proof-reading memos, letters, and other business documentation
- Calculate commonly occurring business-related functions, including basic accounting
- Investigate and utilize the latest trends in Web communication technology
- Demonstrate an understanding of computer networking and security basics
- Apply college-level writing skills
- Solve algebraic equations and functions
- Demonstrate understanding of basic principles and theories of human behavior and mental processes
- Present effective oral presentations to an audience