The email below was sent to NTC students this afternoon as an announcement of the university’s current plans regarding commencement.
Hello NTC students!
We have heard your questions — you all want to know what Northwest Technical College is planning for Commencement. While there are still some details to be ironed out what we can tell you is that even with an ever-evolving COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited to announce that NTC intends to hold graduation live and in person.
We plan to hold an in-person graduation on the Bemidji State University campus that will follow Minnesota Department of Health and state guidance for in-person events. This small ceremony will allow you to have an in-person graduation and share in the experience of walking in your cap and gown in front of your classmates to receive your diploma cover.
However, one detail which we can share with you now is that we are uncertain whether we will be able to accommodate any family members, friends or guests at this event. We know that graduating from NTC is an important milestone in your life and is a big deal for you and your family. For now, though, you should prepare for the possibility that we may not be able to accommodate guests at graduation.
We will have more details to share about graduation soon. Watch your student email and check NTC’s Commencement website (ntcmn.edu/commencement) to learn more. The deadline for submitting graduation applications has been extended until March 15. If you have not yet turned in your application, you still have time. See the website for details.
If you have questions, there are a few ways you can reach out to us for answers:
- Contact the Student Success Center at (218) 333-6655 or tyler.peterson@ntcmn.edu
- Join us at the next NTC Student Zoom Forum, March 18 at 3 p.m.
- Send us a question (anonymously if you wish) using the “I Have a Question” form on NTC’s Coronavirus website
We are very excited to be able to offer an opportunity for an in-person event when so much of our lives have moved online. I do hope you’ll be able to participate and celebrate your hard-earned status as a college graduate while creating memories that will last for the rest of your life.