Your first ID Card is free.

  1. Review the ID Card Photo Requirements and take or find an acceptable photo.
  2. Submit a ID Card Request ( login required ) and upload a photo of yourself that meets all the requirements.
  3. If you’re a student living on the BSU campus, you will also need an ID Card from BSU for access to the dorms and BSU buildings.

Your NTC ID Card can be picked up in the Student Success Center or mailed to the address you select in the ID Card Request form.

What do I Need an ID Card for

  • Identification on campus
  • Access to student discounts around town
  • Access to student activities
  • Access to athletic events (prices vary)
  • Access to the Gillett Wellness Center (with paid membership)
  • Your meal plan or NTC Cash
  • Printing on campus
  • Remembering your Tech ID and Star ID

Replacement Cards

To get a replacement ID card, follow the “Requesting an ID Card” steps above. Replacement ID Cards may result in a $20 charge. Replacement ID Cards do not require new photos, you can keep your old photo if you choose.

Non Campus Resident Students

Your replacement ID Card will be mailed to you at the address you selected in the ID Card Request form.


If you have lost your ID Card and you are locked out of your residence hall, please contact your residence hall front desk.