Prior to registering, you may want to verify that you do not have any holds that will prevent you from successfully registering for your classes. To check your registration holds, log in to e-Services and view your ‘Dashboard’. Any hold preventing registration will be listed there.
Registration Problems
There are many possible reasons for being unable to enroll in a class. Some of the most common reasons are listed below, along with the error message you will receive and possible solutions to the problem.
- Course is closed:
The number of people the course was originally created to hold are enrolled, so there are no seats left. If the course is utilizing the automated wait list, you may add yourself to the wait list, otherwise, you will want to work with your advisor to identify another class. - Course requires special permission:
Some courses are set up so that the instructor can monitor exactly who enrolls in the class. These courses require special permission from the instructor in order to enroll. You would need to contact the instructor to see whether they will make it possible for you to register. If approved, the instructor will issue an override for you to add the class. Once that override is submitted, you will be able to register for the class. - Registration Hold:
You would need to contact the office responsible for the hold to see whether they will lift the hold, making it possible for you to register.
Various holds include:- 02 Academic Suspension – contact NTC One Stop Services
- 28 RMRW – contact Health Services at (218) 755-2053
- 31 Unpaid Balance – check your account status online, where you also have the option of paying these balances, contact the Business Office
- 32 Admissions Office – contact the NTC One Stop Services
- 05 Immunization – contact Health Services at (218) 755-2052
- Registration access code required:
Access Code Required: All on-campus degree seeking students are required to enter a registration access code prior to registering for class. Students obtain this access code from their academic advisor. It is recommended that students meet with their advisor prior to the opening of their registration window.