The Degree Audit Report is used to assist in degree planning and course selection. You have access to your Degree Audit Report via e-Services, under ‘Grades & Transcripts’. It is important to review your Degree Audit Report carefully at least once a semester to ensure it represents what you are expecting in terms of graduation planning and degree completion. Questions concerning your Degree Audit Report can be addressed by your academic advisor or the NTC One Stop.

Plan to bring a copy of your Degree Audit Report to your advising sessions so you have the most up-to-date information available for your discussion with your academic advisor. The Degree Audit Report will be your graduation plan when you apply for graduation so ensuring its accuracy is very important.

If you have a course that you feel should apply to your degree program, discuss it with your advisor when you meet and consider starting a Course Substitution process.

DARS Quick Start Guide for Students

Degree Audit Legend

Requirement Symbols

NO — Requirement not Completed
OK — Requirement Complete
IP — Requirement In-Progress
+ — Subrequirement Complete
– — Subrequirement not Complete
R — Mandatory Subrequirement

Course Symbols

*X — Duplicate course
RP — Repeat
*R — Repeatable course
L behind Course # — Lab course
(R) — Required
T before grade — Transfer course
**** — Any Department
>- — Repeatable course, credit or count reduced
>S — Credits split


++ — Two or more courses used to satisfy BSU equivalent
NC — Inst. not regionally
Accredited, No Credit Accepted
Graded zero credit courses will not appear in DARS until a grade has been posted.

Transferology /Course Applicability

Transferology is an online tool that displays how NTC will accept coursework from other institutions across the nation, as well as select Canadian and International institutions. You will need to create an account to access Transferology.

To create a Transferology account:

  • Go to

  • Click the “Create an account” link

  • Enter your information.

  • Record your user ID (e-mail address you use to create the account) and password in a safe place.

If you cannot find the school you are transferring from, please contact the NTC One Stop and ask for an admissions representative on how your prior coursework will be accepted.

Transferology Tips

As a student, when you enter courses in your Transferology account you will be able to view matches for schools that participate in Transferology. Schools are ranked by the percentage of coursework they accept in transfer, though you may focus the results with a number of handy filters and sorts, including how your courses transfer into a specific program at another college or university.

  • Matches: Indicates the specific courses you may be awarded after transferring, providing you have earned a grade that is passing and high enough for specific program requirements.
  • Misses: Two types of misses are listed: courses that will not transfer and those that will transfer to this school if you take additional coursework (shown in gray).
  • Maybe: These are courses that have not been reviewed by Northwest Technical College yet to determine transferability. Please contact the NTC One Stop and ask for an admissions representative for determination on how your prior coursework will be accepted.