Beginning in March, Information Technology Services will expand Northwest Technical College’s use of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities StarID as the login credential for on-campus computers and for a variety of online services.
Expanded StarID rollout will happen March 1 for all faculty, staff and students. After March 1, you will be unable to access NTC computers, campus Wi-Fi and most NTC online services unless you know your StarID and password. You can look up your StarID or reset your password at: http://starid.mnscu.edu.
Several information sessions will be held at BSU and at NTC throughout February. Please try to attend a session if you have questions. The sessions will be held:
Monday, Feb. 22, 10 a.m., BSU Crying Wolf Room
Tuesday, Feb. 23, noon, NTC Room 328
The expanded use of StarID is part of an initiative to improve security for the college’s electronic services and to streamline login procedures across a variety of services.
Beginning March 1, your current login credentials will no longer function, and you must use StarID to log in. Some examples of services moving to StarID include:
NTC faculty computers
Office365 email and OneDrive
public computers on campus, including student lab computers
PaperCut printer authentication
In addition, you will now need StarID to log into the campus Wi-Fi network and into any NTC email accounts you have added to personal computers or mobile devices. After the StarID launch on March 1, your current Wi-Fi and email configurations will no longer function and you will be unable to access NTC’s wireless network or your email until your login credentials are updated.
For more information about StarID, please visit the ITS StarID resource page at: http://www.ntcmn.edu/go/StarID/