New grading options available for Spring 2020 semester

Grading Options Spring 2020

We want you to know we are working hard to support your academic success and we are responding to the Covid19 pandemic in ways that are new to all of us. Our goal is to help you complete the semester and meet the learning outcomes of your courses. For these reasons we are making some grading changes that you need to be aware of because you will need to make a choice regarding grading options. Shown below are the process and the options.


  1. Letter grades will be submitted by faculty as normal at the end of the semester
  2. Students should visit with faculty/advisors to weigh pros/cons of letter vs. P/NP grading options,
  3. Students have 2 weeks after grades are available to make their decision on letter vs. P/NP grading, deadline of May 29, 2020
  4. Students inform the record’s office via email of their grading option choice
  5. Registrar’s office will process grading option changes as received

Pass/Non-Pass option:

  1. Pass (P)= C as determined by the grading scale for each course, NP= no credit. Note some programs/courses have higher standards for achieving a C, those higher standards apply. (ex. Nursing)
  2. If you choose the P/NP grading option for a course, your letter grade gets converted with A-C= P and D-F= NP.
  3. Pass means you have achieved the learning outcomes of the course and receive credit for the course, P counts toward graduation, and meets pre-requisites for other courses at NTC.
  4. P/NP does not hurt your GPA; however, it also doesn’t help your GPA. If your letter grade is an A or B, then P does not increase your GPA for competitive programs.
  5. P/NP does not count in your GPA thus there is protection from failing to meet the GPA requirement for satisfactory academic progress. The NP does count against your completion rate so be sure to check out the impact on meeting satisfactory academic progress.
  6. P/NP will be accepted as transfer credit across the MinnState system for all colleges and universities, however there is no guarantee if the credits will be accepted at private, for-profit, or University of Minnesota campuses. This means you must consider future transfer impact. Talk to your advisor.
  7. P/NP grades may impact financial aid, veterans using GI benefits, PSEO students, or programs with specific licensure requirements. These rules may change due to Covid19, so we encourage you to ask questions. If rules change in the future and you wish to go back to your letter grade you can use the appeal process at that time to return to your letter grade. Talk to your advisor.
  8. You do not have to decide right now, relax and do your best. Once grades are available at the end of the semester, you have two weeks to request a change from letter grade to P/NP grading. Talk to your advisor.

Incomplete (I) Grade:

  1. Incompletes allow a student to complete coursework after the semester ends.
  2. You must talk to your instructor about an incomplete. Hint: This must be done at least one week prior to the end of the semester, no later than May 7, 2020, so the earlier the better.
  3. The work to be completed and the timeline for the work is part of your conversation with your instructor. Once the work is completed, the appropriate letter grade is submitted by faculty.
  4. Any “I” not removed by the end of the fall semester will automatically be changed to an “F”.
  5. Once an “I” is removed and the letter grade is submitted, you will have two weeks to make a choice between the letter grade and P/NP option. This applies even if the work is completed next fall.
  6. “I” may be applied to internships, field experiences, and other experiential learning courses, as well as typical courses. For some health programs with specific requirements, this may be especially necessary.
  7. Due to the restrictions on face to face instruction, this may be an option for you to achieve the learning outcomes of some courses.
  8. Have a plan for how to complete the missing work—be committed and responsible- so you earn the credits you need.

You have invested time, effort, and money into your education. You are almost through this semester so keep going! These grading options are there to reduce your risk and provide an opportunity to finish the semester.

We know you have had to make adjustments to become a successful online learner. There are resources to help you get through the semester so use the tutors, the student success center, and faculty support to find a way to finish.


The MinnState system has extended the deadline to withdraw from classes from the normal 80% to 90% of the term being completed. If you withdraw from a course by the deadline, the grade is a “W” and the impact is the same as NP. Contact your faculty for more information or check your course in eservices for the course deadline date (for most courses it is May 4th).

Thank you,

Darrin Strosahl

Vice President of Academic Affairs

Northwest Technical College

905 Grant Ave SE

Bemidji, MN 56601
