Prospective students interested in attending Northwest Technical College will meet with faculty and admissions representatives during a series of recr…
Full articleMore than 200 Northwest Technical College students celebrated the completion of their certificates, diplomas and degrees at the college’s annual Com…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College held its third annual Student Achievement Celebration May 6, to applaud students’ hard work and determination in their a…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College will honor more than 220 college graduates during an in-person Commencement ceremony, May 7.
Full articleNorthwest Technical College student nurse Shantel Northbird has over ten years of experience in higher education. From the hallways of Indiana’s Uni…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College’s Wendy Potratz, community health worker faculty, and Alicia Carley, biology faculty, presented at the 45th annual Minne…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College recognized employees reaching length-of-service milestones and the college’s annual employee award winners at an April 3…
Full articleStudents enrolled in Bemidji High School's health care career academy recently came to Northwest Technical College for a full tour of the health care…
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