As a member of the Minnesota Board of Nursing, Dr. Jeanine Gangeness, founding dean of the Bemidji School of Nursing at Bemidji State University and N…
Full articleDr. Richard A. Hanson, president of Bemidji State University and Northwest Technical College, has convened a Reinvention Task Force of faculty, staff,…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College has launched a High Performance Center for delivering customized training programs in machine operator and computer numeri…
Full articleOn Wednesday, Nov. 20, the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities will vote on a set of strategic recommendations that cal…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College will donate two dozen computers to St. Paul-based PCs for People, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing poverty…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College is now offering a certificate program for community health workers that can be completed entirely online. The program, whi…
Full articleBemidji’s Young Professionals Network, an organization within the Bemidji Chamber of Commerce for early-career professionals in the Bemidji area bet…
Full articleFor the fifth consecutive year, Victory Media has listed Bemidji State University and Northwest Technical College among the top 20 percent of colleges…
Full articleA regional higher education organization has rated Northwest Technical College as one of the most efficient Minnesota colleges at guiding incoming stu…
Full articlePeople seeking training in manufacturing, production and automation technologies now have the ability to pursue four certificate programs through Nort…
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