Northwest Technical College and Bemidji State University welcomed high school students interested in exploring health care careers and education pathw…
Full articleThe NTC Nurse Pinning Ceremony for the class of 2019 was held on May 9. Students received their nursing name tags and were formally admitted into the…
Full articleMore than 200 Northwest Technical College students celebrated the completion of their certificates, diplomas and degrees at the college’s annual Com…
Full articleDozens of students in Northwest Technical College’s Class of 2019 celebrated their status as college graduates with custom-decorated mortar boards.…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College held its first annual Student Achievement Celebration on May 8 to recognize and honor outstanding students across campus.…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College recognized one retiring employee, along with three employees reaching length-of-service milestones and the college’s ann…
Full articleThose interested in learning about careers in child care and early childhood education explored Northwest Technical College's educational opportunitie…
Full articleBemidji, Kelliher and South Koochiching high schools visited Northwest Technical College for their Automotive and Building Systems Day March 27.
Full articleNorthwest Technical College’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee held a diversity visioning session on March 21 to prepare for the development of the…
Full articleNorthwest Technical College welcomed more than 80 local high school students during a health and human services open house on March 20.
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